Link collection: 17

Antoni & Mateusz Long time no see. Sorry for such a long break from posting but we were really busy learning for the exams and defending diploma thesis. Jokes aside, we were just lazy :=> New year, new format Instead of writing regular link collection today we are going to try something new. A discussion about certain topic. This piece will be an attempt to write one post, instead of writing two and merging them into one, as we used to do.…
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Link collection: 16

Mateusz JITs, how do they work? If you search for “How do JITs work?”, you’ll get the same information presented with different CSS. What if you understand that JITs take source code or bytecode and at runtime compile it to machine code but still have no clue how is that achieved? If you think about it it’s actually somewhat of an interesting problem. There appears to be no easy solution to running arbitrary code that “appeared” during the programs lifetime.…
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Link collection: 15

Mateusz Random Aeropress Recipe What makes life boring is routine. Feeling that the current day is the same without changes as the one before. But - I hear you cry - it’ll never truly be the same, there will be always something that changes. That’s true, we perceive some events as the same when in fact they clearly are not carbon copies of each other. Take for example going to work, you’re doing something different today than your did yesterday.…
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Link collection: 14

Antoni The Year of Fukuyama Let’s face it: the current global is the least to say concerning. From all around the world we hear negative events like war, economic crisis, pandemic, energy crisis and many more. Regular people around us start to be more vocal about the problems, inflation is discussed on daily basis, especially in the context of ever rising prices. In upcoming months we will be able to feel it on our own skin, literally, winter is coming is no longer just a citation from popular TV series, energy saving policies will hit many public buildings like universities which will be closed earlier and optimized to waste less energy.…
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Link collection: 13

Mateusz 3Hz Computer, Hold the Transistors Half way through skimming over this article I said out loud “Oh my, this is going to be good”. I’ve stopped what I was doing, made myself coffee and sat down for a pleasant read through. The idea presented in the blog post rides the fine line between hardware and software perfectly. What makes it even more special is the fact that we’ve come to understand hardware as black chips that we can’t see do their work and we just observe the input going in and output going out as voltage levels.…
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Link collection: 12

Antoni You Need A Budget I deal with the spending problem for quite some time. But it is not necessarily an overspending one, actually, I spend less than I earn and manage to save money for bigger buys and investments. My problem is mostly connected with emotions, especially guilt when I feel like I am spending too much on daily basis but at the end of the month, everything is fine.…
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Link collection: 11

Antoni You’re welcome Very interesting situation has happened to me today. I had a big problem with passing one of the lessons in Duolingo Chinese course. Lesson was about magic words 谢谢 (thank you) and 对不起 (I’m sorry). What took me by surprise was the struggle that I had with the responses to those magic words. When someone says “I’m sorry” you respond with 没关系 (no problem). When someone says “Thank you” you respond with 不客气 (you’re welcome) I literally tried to pass the lesson like 5 or 6 times and every time I failed on the phrase “No problem”.…
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Link collection: 10

Mateusz Where Does Bad Code Come From? I never had a real in person mentor that I would take from piles of knowledge and in times of trouble I’d think to myself “How would he approach this problem?”. Casey Muratori has been to me - code-wise at least - the closest thing to a mentor I ever had. Being curious about the world view someone has on a given subject shows that you respect that person.…
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Link collection: 9

Mateusz Backblaze B2 For a long time now I knew that I’m asking for trouble storing all the files that I care about on my main and only hard drive. If it breaks all my files that are close to me are just gone. It’s sort of a weird trick that the mind is playing on you. You do not need all those files, they are not crucial, your life does not depend on them.…
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Link collection: 8

Mateusz Down the ergonomic keyboard rabbit hole Realizing that working on a computer will destroy your body if you do not take care of it is the better the sooner it comes. Buying equipment that will aid in your work is money not spent but invested. If you will have to stop working in the field you know most about because you can’t physically do it is money lost. Money is not you and your work is not you.…
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