Link collection: 7 (Switch around)

Special post This post we decide to experiment with an idea. We would come up with something that diverges from the beaten path and see how it turns out. The first idea that Antoni came up with is switching our posts around. In short: I choose two blog posts and send them to Antoni and he writes about them and the other way around. Mateusz It’s Later Than You Think The realization that life is brisk is sudden and crushing.…
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Link collection: 6

Antoni being old soul I heard about the term “old soul” few months ago during conversation with a guy from America. After exchange of thoughts and life experiences he told me that they have a name for my point of view in the US, I am na “old soul”, I feel older than I am. This conversation was very eye-opening for me and stays in my mind to this day. When checking Refind I found article with this term in the title and it quickly caught my attention.…
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Link collection: 5

Mateusz Quite OK Image Format I think we all accepted the current state of affairs when it comes to cutting edge. Things that are advanced and high-tech are by nature required to be complex beyond our comprehension. Have you ever step into a core C++ function or a class while debugging? Or maybe you tried to read a specification about some format to implement it and learn how it works. If so you experienced the sheer terror that awakes when stuff like GLIBC source code is on your screen.…
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Link collection: 4

Mateusz BOOKSTORES: How to Read More Books in the Golden Age of Content Living in the “golden age of content” has many benefits. You can basically watch anything, anywhere, anytime. Servers do not sleep, phones are slim and the extension of your arms and companies want to have the most diverse content catalogue. Information is all around us, yet I’d argue that sadly we are slipping into medieval fairy tails and folklore rather than grounded knowledge and scientifically proven facts.…
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Link collection: 3

Mateusz Wide-band WebSDR Electromagnetic radiation is a spectrum so incredibly attached to today’s humans it’s hard to imagine life without it. From radio, WiFi, Bluetooth, 4G/5G, TV, Roentgen pictures and to the most important - visible light. It’s all around us, thanks to it, you are able to read these words. But such a high number of these is invisible to us it might actually not exist. How do so many of these great technologies work, communicating (at the speed of light!…
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Link collection: 2

Mateusz Taking a look back to materials that made a lasting impression on me very few blog posts come to mind. I take this as a weakness of mine, but I ask for your attention regardless. Physics is going to be finished in six months Thinking that you are something greater that you really are, is a trope that each homo sapiens embodies. Being an expert in a given field boosts your confidence to absurd levels but not equally in each specialization.…
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Link collection: 1

Mateusz Efficiently Generating a Number in a Range You never thought about your random number generator. It just worked and you never noticed it to be off - except maybe for it’s slow performance. Meanwhile this posts proves that there are people that are thinking about this like it’s the basis of computing. Going over every little detail from correctness (!) and speed, and still one upping each-other on their implementation.…
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